I understand that up north there are lots of small, 1/4 acre, piano key style housing developments. Since we don't have this type of property here, we are not comparing...
The inspiration for this post came from a recent article fed from LinkedIn. The title was “38% of Homes Purchased in 2011 Bought with Cash.” I thought to myself, 38%?!...
An article by a transplanted expat to Playa Naranjo: "How I came to live on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica is a story about early retirement, tight budgets and...
Instead of going belly-up and hurting all those who put their belief in the words of dealers (such as yours truly), and who bought untitled land there, the GITZL shareholders...
The global economic crisis seems to have inured to our benefit. People are saying “I’ve had it” with wherever they may live (lots of Europeans in the mix, as well...
When we foreigners first hear about the amazingly high tax rate on cars, we are shocked and wonder at how can that be? This is lunacy! There must be some...
A week ago, I was reading the Tico Times and the headline “Liberia Airport Renovation Nearly Finished” jumped out at me. It’s only been nine years since that airport opened,...
The popular movie series of the – what was it – the nineties, eighties? Well, whatever it was, Back to the Future illustrated well the point that knowing what is...
Even though we call it Talk Show 15, this is indeed the 16th Episode of the Guys In The Zone Talk Show. This episode delves into the topic of construction...